CryptoWhale NFT
Click on the banner to see animated CryptoWhale NFT-ART on OpenSea

Title: Golden Whale
Serie: 1
Price: 15 eth
Description: CryptoWhale logo.
Digital artwork made in 3D

Title: Cyborg Whale
Serie: 3
Price: 10 eth
Description: CryptoWhale logo.
Digital artwork made in 3D

Title: RedEyes Whale
Serie: 10
Price: 5 eth
Description: CryptoWhale logo.
artwork made in 3D

Title: GoldenBaleen Whale
Serie: 20
Price: 3 eth
Description: CryptoWhale logo.
Digital artwork made in 3D

Title: Blue Whale
Serie: 50
Price: 1 eth
Description: CryptoWhale logo. Digital artwork made in 3D

Benefits: For the acquisition of the work “Blue Whale” lifetime access will be granted to private channels with AutoTrading and to the Advanced Trading course.